Lots of work ... little competition ... big projects ... handsome fees. I can't for the life of me understand why more copywriters don't go after these lucrative assignments!
Dear Copywriter:
When I started my freelance copywriting career in 1982, I knew almost nothing about direct marketing (I worked in industrial marketing, and we didn't use DM techniques).
So naturally, I didn't sell myself as a DM writer -- and consequently did not get hired for juicy assignments like writing DM packages ... sales letters ... or magalogs.
Also, back then nobody was using the Internet to sell stuff, so I didn't write web sites or e-mails, either.
It gets worse....
My clients had ad agencies that wrote their advertisements and commercials.
Most companies also employed PR firms that wrote their press releases -- and ghosted articles and speeches for them.
So on the surface, it looked like opportunities to make money freelancing were few and far between.
And yes, despite all this, I became rather busy, rather quickly.
In my first 11 months of freelancing, I earned 44% more money than the annual salary I'd been paid in my last job.
To make all this money, I spent most of my time writing what back then we called sales collateral ... something I absolutely loved doing then and still do to this day.
"Collateral" is basically any printed publication used to sell - or help sell - a product or service.
Within a couple of years after I started freelancing, I was making a six-figure annual income writing mostly sales collateral.
I wrote sales brochures ... catalogs ... data sheets ... booklets ... product manuals ... annual reports ... corporate brochures - you name it.
I enjoyed the work. Got plenty of it. And made (and this was 25 years ago) $2,000 ... $3,500 ... even $4,500 or more on virtually every project.
Today the opportunity for you to make this kind of money writing sales brochures may be even better ... and there's still almost no competition.
I can show you how to get started and succeed as a brochure-writing copy specialist -- today. If you will let me....
A "forgotten" skill that can
put money in your bank account
Within the last few years, numerous promoters - mainly on the Internet - have started selling training programs on how to write copy and make money as a freelance copywriter.
Almost all of these promoters come either from direct response or Internet marketing backgrounds.
So they teach all the new copywriters they train to write hype-filled, long-copy sales letters, either to be posted online as landing pages or mailed as a DM package or magalog.
Meanwhile, other important forms of copywriting - everything from annual reports and brochures, to catalogs and manuals - are virtually ignored.
This unbalanced view of copywriting has left a huge gap in the market - and created a dire shortage of copywriters who handle sales collateral - the demand for which continues unabated.
So now you can...
...Write brochures for fun and profit!
Think the Internet has made sales collateral obsolete?
Just take a look around you - at the catalogs and annual reports in your mail box ... the glossy color brochures in the auto dealer's showroom ... the inserts that come with every credit card bill ... all those colorful brochures travel agencies have in their racks ... the mountains of sales literature given away by exhibitors at every consumer expo and trade show you attend.
The demand for well-written sales collateral is still enormous. But the supply of writers who are willing and know how to handle these lucrative assignments is dwindling.
That puts skilled brochure writers like me and you in the cat bird's seat when it comes to getting assignments -- and commanding handsome fees for every project!
And now, my e-book, Writing Brochures for Fun and Profit, shows you everything you need to get started earning thousands of dollars writing brochures ... catalogs ... mailers ... fliers ... data sheets ... and other marketing collateral.
In it, you'll discover:
- Have web sites made printed sales brochures obsolete? The surprising answer on page 4.
- What kind of brochure works best in direct mail marketing? Page 77.
- Increase your freelance writing income up to $75,000 a year. Page 6.
- 6 ways to create sales brochures that knock your clients' socks off. Page 7.
- How to get hired for lucrative brochure-writing assignments. Page 9.
- What to charge copywriting clients for writing their sales literature. Page 10.
- 10 questions you must ask your client before you write their product brochure. Page 22.
- Build a lucrative brochure writing business from scratch within months. Page 12.
- A dynamic 10-step process for creating more effective marketing documents. Page 64.
- Make $600 to $10,000 per assignment writing these "little books." Page 13.
- Earn five-figure project fees as a freelance annual report writer. Page 15.
- A 26-point checklist for making sure the corporate capabilities brochures you write for clients are comprehensive -- and that critical content is not omitted. Page 20.
- Fees you can charge for a 4-page brochure ... 6 pages ... 8 pages ... 12 pages ... longer. Page 23.
- 6 steps to accurately estimating your price for technical writing assignments. Page 91.
- Writing a brochure about a technical product? Here's the outline you should follow. Page 24.
- 12 places to get the most lucrative brochure-writing assignments from the best-paying clients. Page 45.
- Why, even in the Internet era, your clients need a brochure to sell to 90% of their target market. Page 26.
- 10-point outline for planning and writing a brochure to sell professional services. Page 28.
- Your client wants their brochure to fit into a #10 business envelope. Here's how to design and write it. Page 36.
- A 4-point outline to follow when writing case histories. Plus: how much can you charge? Page 32.
- Make $1,500 to $3,500 writing simple informational booklets. Page 37.
- The 2 types of catalogs you can write ... and what you can charge for each. Page 34.
- 10 keys to writing better brochure copy. Page 41.
- A simple strategy for writing brochures readers can quickly get the gist of -- even if they don't read all the copy and only skim. Page 43.
- 12 details that may seem small to you but are important to your client. Omit them from his brochure copy at your peril. Page 44.
- Secrets of writing successful sales brochures for high-tech and B2B clients. Page 47.
- The 7 skills and characteristics every successful technical writer should possess. Page 87.
- What a former director of Evelyn Wood can teach you about writing brochures that sell. Page 52.
- 7 lucrative writing projects your client's ad agency may refuse to do for them that you can write better and faster. Page 73.
- Get more attention for your client's product with video brochures. Page 54.
- A simple 4-step process to ensure that the sales brochure you are writing helps your client achieve their marketing objectives. Page 62.
- Desktop design tips that add eye appeal to printed promotions. Page 56.
- 6 reasons your clients should hire you to write a capabilities brochure for their company. Page 58.
- How to determine the number of copies of your brochure to print in your initial print run. Page 67.
- 10 tips for writing better instruction manuals. Page 69. Plus: 7 types of manuals business clients need written. Page 86.
- Why so many sales brochures are weak and ineffective - and 5 ways to make the ones you write many times stronger. Page 79.
- The 2 critical pieces of information that every brochure absolutely must contain. Page 81.
- 10 questions to ask before you hand in the first draft of your catalog copy to your client. Page 96.
- And so much more....
"I love writing - and designing - brochures! I also have your Writing Brochures, Product Sheets, and Other Sales Collateral for Fun and Profit e-book which I bought after creating a couple of brochures. Good stuff, there; good stuff!"
--Kendra Francesco
"I purchased your e-book about brochure writing. I have a lot of experience in this area, but I'm always eager to learn something new--and that I did. Great job as usual with your line of e-books."
--Mark Soroka
"I knew right off the bat that this was exactly the stuff I was looking for. I purchased your e-book right then and have read it through several times. It's golden and believe me I'm putting the book's know-how to work right now. I'm already busy composing my own sales letter and brochure to send out in the mail."
--Bryan Skinnell
Act now and save $20
You can get paid a thousand dollars or more to write a simple "data sheet" - an 8 1/2 by 11-inch sheet with copy on both sides - designed to sell a product.
For an 8-page product brochure, your fee can range from $3,500 to $5,500.
And an annual report for a large corporation can bring you $10,000 per assignment.
But you won't pay $5,500 ... or $3,500 ... or even $1,000 to discover how to make thousands of dollars per assignment writing brochures.
My e-book Writing Brochures for Fun and Profit has a cover price of $49 ... and can help you earn many times that amount on your very first brochure-writing assignment.
But order today and Writing Brochures for Fun and Profit is yours for just $29 - a savings of $20 off the regular rate - less than I charge for just 5 minutes of my time.
And that's what it costs you ONLY if my guidelines turn you into a successful brochure writer pronto.
If they don't, the cost is zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada....
Try it risk-free for 90 days
That's right. If you are dissatisfied with Writing Brochures for Fun and Profit for any reason ... or for no reason at all ... just let me know within 90 days.
You'll get a full refund promptly - no questions asked.
And whatever you decide, you can keep the e-book free, with my compliments.
That way, you risk nothing.
So, what are you waiting for?
To order Writing Brochures for Fun and Profit on a 90-day risk-free trial basis, click below now:
Bob Bly
P.S. Order Writing Brochures for Fun and Profit today and you get a FREE 50-page Bonus Report, Secrets of Successful Business-to-Business Direct Marketing (list price: $29).
In it, you'll discover:
- 10 ways to stretch your advertising budget - page 44.
- 23 tips for creating business-to-business mailings that work - page 12.
- 10 steps to writing more effective industrial copy - page 28.
- How to create more effective product brochures - page 35.
- 29 story ideas for your next newsletter - page 41.
- 50 tips for generating more sales leads - page 20.
- 6 proven strategies for marketing to engineers - page 24.
- How to write strong copy that appeals to the human side of business buyers - page 8.
- And more....
To order Writing Brochures for Fun and Profit ... and get your FREE Bonus Report ... just click below now:

Bob has written copy for more than 100 clients including Phillips, Agora, KCI, 21st Century, Weiss Research, EBI Medical Systems, Sony, IBM, AT&T, Grumman, Crain Communications, McGraw-Hill, IBM, Intuit, Nortel, and AlliedSignal.
Bob is the author of more than 90 books including The Complete Idiot's Guide to Direct Marketing (Alpha), The Ultimate Unauthorized Star Trek Quiz Book (HarperCollins), The "I Hate Kathie Lee Gifford" Book (Kensington), The Science in Science Fiction (BenBella), and, with Bo Dietl, Business Lunchatations (Penguin).
He has published more than 100 articles in such publications as Subscription Marketing, Direct, Business Marketing, Writer's Digest, and Amtrak Express.
Bob's writing awards include a Gold Echo from the Direct Marketing Association, an IMMY from the Information Industry Association, two Southstar Awards, an American Corporate Identity Award of Excellence, and the Standard of Excellence award from the Web Marketing Association. He also taught writing at New York University.
Bob has appeared as a guest on dozens of TV and radio shows including The Advertising Show, Bernard Meltzer, CNBC, and CBS Hard Copy. He has been featured in major media ranging from the LA Times and Nation's Business to the New York Post and the National Enquirer.
about Bob Bly
"I started down this road of copywriting for direct marketers by purchasing your book. Since then I have made about $50,000 in copywriting fees. I feel a debt of gratitude toward you!"
--Ray Edwards
"I went to Amazon.com and got a copy of Secrets of a Freelance Writer. Wow! ... I loved it! Packed with info. The book had a 'readability' about it that took away all my fears, put me at ease, and made me feel that I wasn't treading on foreign soil. I kept saying to myself, 'I can do that, I can do that!'"
--Ronald J. Rich
"Your books served as a complete reference when I started my own freelance writing business a year and half ago. By following the advice you laid out, I quickly reached goals that I had set for year three of my business within the first year. My philosophy is, if you've written it or recommended it, I want to read it."
--Carla Jahnson
"I own a copy of The Copywriter's Handbook, which is priceless. Thank you for making this information available to those of us on a shoestring."
--Mary Klaebul, Memphis, TN
"I own Secrets of a Freelance Writer: How to Make $85,000 a Year and The Copywriter's Handbook. Both are great. You did a great job of getting to the nitty gritty. I admire and respect what you have done."
--Derek A. Chilcoat
"FYI, you started me off with your tape series on freelance copywriting, and I'm an avid reader of yours."
--Scott T. Smith, Bozeman, MT
"Having read two of your books, Secrets of a Freelance Writer and The Copywriter's Handbook, I am now taking the leap. If not for the strong encouragement of your books, I might not have jumped. Thanks again for the road map that your books offered."
--Eddie Adelman
"I am a great fan and avid reader of your books. When I first started out in this copywriting business nearly ten years ago, your Secrets of a Freelance Writer was my bible (it's so dog-eared, some of the pages are coming apart). You continue to be a great source of inspiration and education."
--John M. Mora, Plainfield, IL
"Thank you for all the books you've written over the years -- I have enjoyed many of them, and profited from what I've learned. I've been reading Become a Recognized Authority in Your Field this past month -- it's helping me really do the things I've always wanted to do."
--Michael Knowles
"I read Write More, Sell More a few years ago and loved it."
--Steve Slaunwhite
"The first time I read your book Secrets of a Freelance Writer I laughed at the fact of picturing myself as a business writer. The second time I read it, I made over $1,000 in a week. I'm laughing for a much better reason now."
--Grady Smith
"I loved your book The Copywriter's Handbook. It has sincerely helped me in my business and is worth every penny I spent on it!"
--Brian Maquire, Portland, OR
"Had I not discovered your Secrets of a Freelance Writer and The Copywriter's Handbook, I would still be a frustrated, unfulfilled hack. Thank you for saving me from that! I appreciate you sharing your knowledge with the rest of us and allowing us to take a piece of the pie. I already love this new career that I never would have discovered without your guidance. Thanks."
--Elizabeth Hanes
"I wanted to thank you for The Copywriter's Handbook and Secrets of a Freelance Writer. Both books are informative and inspirational."
--Ken Harrison
"I have read your books Selling Your Services and The Six Figure Consultant and I really appreciate the wealth of knowledge you have shared in both of these publications."
--Leah Beth Mills, Farmingville, NY
"Thanks a million for my life!"
--Alan Zoldan
"Your books The Copywriter's Handbook and Secrets of a Freelance Writer helped me start work as a freelancer. I can't tell you how many times those books saved my skin and got me confidently through unfamiliar materials. I am very grateful for your expertise and generosity."
--Lorraine Thompson
"One of the best copywriters in the business."
--Michael Meanwell, author, The Wealthy Writer
"Bob Bly is one of the most successful copywriters in the world. I've used his services and purchased a lot of his materials -- and always profited from both."
--Bob Serling, President, Idea Quotient
"Considered one of the best copywriters in the country."
--David E. Wright, President, International Speakers Network
"There's no better copywriter than Robert W. Bly, the man I call the 'King of Copy.' He can teach you more about the art and science of marketing than anyone I know."
--Richard Dean Starr
"20 years ago, when Bob Bly starting teaching copywriting, the field was deeply shrouded in mystery. Now, thanks to Bob, learning copywriting, though still a tricky proposition, is much easier."
--Ken McCarthy
"For over 25 years, Bob Bly has set the gold standard in results-oriented business-to-business writing."
--Roger C. Parker, author, Looking Good in Print
"When it comes to educating his fellow copywriters and marketers, Bob Bly is the master."
--Dianna Huff
"Bly Rules!"
--Murray Raphel, Raphel Marketing
"Mr. Copy."
--Markus Allen, Publisher
"There is no greater authority on business-to-business direct response copywriting then Bob Bly. What impresses me most about Bob Bly is his knack for making things clear and simple."
--Scott Miller
"Bob Bly is among the most accomplished self-employed copywriters in recent years."
--Steve Slaunwhite
"Bob Bly is probably the best business-to-business, high tech, industrial, direct marketing copywriter in the country."
--John Clausen
"Perhaps the most famous copywriter of them all."
--The Writer
"[A] freelance writing dynamo...."
--Writer's Digest
"One of the great copywriters in the direct marketing industry...."
--Ruth Stevens, author, The DMA Lead Generation Handbook
"...[a] copywriting giant..."
--Freelance Writer's Report
"Bob Bly is a human machine who has been outputting high-grade direct marketing copy for decades. I've read a few of his numerous books and have learned much from this pro."
--Larry Chase, Web Digest For Marketers
"Renowned direct marketing practitioner and prolific author Bob Bly [is] nationally recognized for his control-beating copy. [He] knows how to write for results."
--Kansas City Direct Marketing Association
"Bob Bly is in the upper echelon of direct mail and email copywriters and he's an all-around direct marketing guru. In addition to hundreds of successful campaigns for technology clients, Bly has authored or co-authored more then 50 books."
--Bruce Hadley, softwareceo.com
"Bly is probably one of the world's most famous and experienced copywriters. He is also a noted authority on the creation of online copy and online trends."
--The Compulsive Reader
"Bob Bly is a world-class copywriter."
--Paul Hartunian
"I've known Bob for a long time. His stuff is terrific."
--Johne Forde, Copywriter's Roundtable
"Bob Bly [is] a prolific advertising genius."
--Joe Vitale, "Mr. Fire"
"One of the best copywriters in the business."
--Michael Meanwell, author, "The Wealthy Writer"
"Bob Bly is one of the most successful copywriters in the world. I've used his services and purchased a lot of his materials -- and always profited from both."
--Bob Serling, President, Idea Quotient
"Considered one of the best copywriters in the country."
--David E. Wright, President, International Speakers Network
"There's no better copywriter than Robert W. Bly, the man I call the 'King of Copy.' He can teach you more about the art and science of marketing than anyone I know."
--Richard Dean Starr
"20 years ago, when Bob Bly starting teaching copywriting, the field was deeply shrouded in mystery. Now, thanks to Bob, learning copywriting, though still a tricky proposition, is much easier."
--Ken McCarthy
"For over 25 years, Bob Bly has set the gold standard in results-oriented business-to-business writing."
--Roger C. Parker, author, Looking Good in Print
"Perhaps the most famous copywriter of all."
--Apryl Duncan
"When it comes to educating his fellow copywriters and marketers, Bob Bly is the master."
--Dianna Huff
"Bob . . . Just got the copy and advertisement you did for my new book . . . It's great! You are good! Great job . . . you have tremendous insights into what excites and what sells!"
--Don Libey, Libey Incorporated
"In my opinion, you are the best copywriter in the software industry."
--Judy MacDonald, Director of Marketing, Direct Response
"I've spoken to a thousand copywriters over the years and Bob Bly is the best. He knows what he's doing."
--Joe Culotta, Natural Medicine Co.
"I am happy to report to you that your piece outproduced the 4 other packages we tested against it. I want to talk to you about another project...."
--Nick Roumi, Pacific Coast Funding
"The original ad insert of 'Wall Street's Loss is Your Gain' continues to kick butt -- pulls 12 to 15 subscriptions a week. Not bad for a $500 investment made 5 months ago."
--Charles Mizrahi, Stealth Stocks